I got a calendar today whilst bustling about in the village with Eleonora on her bike. Seeing January and February laid out so neatly (on 100% organic paper) in front of me made me realise how quickly time has passed, and is passing. Only one week left. Exactly one week from now I'll be stressing to catch my bus in Chennai, and in two weeks from now I will have returned to the frozen lunar landscape that I call home. Crazy how time flies.
Oh. I had my first traffic accident today. More like an incident really. It was not dramatic at all, or really noteworthy, but because I've never really made use of any vehicles other than my bicycle for most of my life, I haven't really experienced any traffic related accidents, as far as I can recall. So anyhow, we're driving towards the village on Elenora's bike and I figure she must have suffered a short-circuit as they may come while driving, and while approaching an exceedingly slow moped driver and a speedbump, instead of slowing down she hit the gas and bumped right into the unsuspecting Aurovillian. It was fine. Eleonora shrieked, I think I said "shit", and the lady drove off with no more than a sigh, a shrug and the somewhat tired comment, "this is India".
We were fine. We didn't even topple over. The front of the moped got a bit dented though. The remainder of the afternoon was spent with an impromptu visit to a salong to get eyebrows threaded, followed by a mouth-watering visit to the Bakery; only to get bread though, and then whooshing out of the village, past the kashmiri vendors and to Eleonora's place on the other side of Auroville. Cigarettes, Lila Down, pictures and puppies.
Elenora in the Chocolate Factory of organicness (not real name...)
I had a very good conversation with her regarding farming and studying in general. Whatever qualms I've had about enrolling the biodynamic training were settled and if I needed, she pretty much convinced me that I am on the right line. In a few years, being able to sustain yourself is all that will matter, having the knowledge of survival and making a sustainable way of living will be worth gold.
Man, I need to start thinking about something else or I will start growing sprouts from my ears. On a random note, my favorite meal of the day is breakfast I have realised, I could eat breakfast for all my three mails of the day.
25,000 rupees go missing mysteriously just as I prepare to pay for my brand new, actually really CHEAP mac that Rom Whitaker is bringing tomorrow. I now don't really have enough money left but hey, it's only money. Gah. 25,000 rupees is what I spend in a month in Sweden including rent. I just lost a month worth of living. Double Gah. While returning from in panic smoking 3 cigarettes in a row and crying for about half an hour I discover the biggest spider yet seen in India. It was huge. Huge. I panic, start screaming like a girl, hoping the neighbours will hear and come and rescue me, but they don't, which is too bad for many different reasons. I rush out of the house and try to bully the dogs to eat the spider, but they think I must be tricking them to go into the house where they know they're not allowed, so they just give me confused looks. At this point I discover the spray mosquito repellant, and in my thoughtless panic, grab it and resort to spraying the spider.
The spider freaks out and starts running all over the place, and I simply scream, spray it some more and hop around on the spot. It's obviously getting dazed, but as I for some reason through water on it, it is revived and starts scuttling into my dirty laundry, and this, this totally freaks me out, so I rush into the kitchen, grab the biggest bowl I can find (because I obviously don't want to get near it), manage to capture it, toss it out and watch it try to scuttle away from the house of pain. I think the mosquito repellant subdued it.
Panting, I walk back into the house and conveniently step on some broken glass from the bottle I accidently broke this morning. Just a tiny bit of blood but enough to cause me discomfort. I cry some more in my pathetic state of patheticness and then depart to the café, have loads of coffee and grumble.
Off to grumble at Eleonora's place. Food.
WORST DAY IN INDIA YET. Bloody money. Bloody spiders. Bloody feet.
Meanwhile, enjoy one of the many beautiful photos I took at Solitude Farm today. I never should have left the place, it's so tranquil. The real world hurts sometimes.
1 kommentar:
Stackars liten! Pengar som försvinner och spindlar som anfaller och så sår i fossingen!!! Spindeln är borta och fossingen läker, men vad hände med pengarna? Har du fallit offer för någon kontokortsbedragare? Ska jag kontakta Swedbank och bråka?
STOR KRAM från mamma
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