
Snug as a Bug

Written on December 6th, 2009

I am in a tiny compartment in first, first class on the train. We only (Carolin + me) got one sleeping rack for the two of us and what with the train being really full and all the only other rack that was available was this one for a thousand rupees. I am a bit homesick for Ytterjärna. I am loving India so far, even though it's not been very long (though of course, it feels MUCH longer already). This rack is tiny, I'm going to fall off and break my neck, not to mention the fact that half the space is taken up by Carolin's rucksack. Jack Johnson lulls me to sleep as I wonder where I will be waking up tomorrow, and in what state I'll be in... (no pun intended, hahaha, sleeeep...)

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